

The Research Foundation offers free, life-saving class to young drivers

young driver at wheel

KANSAS CITY, Mo., (Apr. 1, 2024) – The Research Foundation is accepting registrations for RoadWise, a free program for young drivers ages 14-18. The class emphasizes the importance of wearing a seat belt and making good, safe decisions behind the wheel.

According to the Missouri Department of Transportation and Kansas Department of Transportation, motor vehicle crashes are the numbers one cause of death among teenagers in the United States. Most of the fatal teen car accidents occur six months after obtaining a license.

RoadWise attendees begin the class by learning about the path of a car crash victim at a trauma center. Hospital staff share experiences they have had crash victims in the emergency room, radiology, intensive care, and physical therapy. Attendees meet individuals who have suffered from permanent brain or spinal cord injuries because of a motor vehicle crash. The class ends with the Missouri State Highway Patrol Troopers talking about crash sites and making death notifications to families.

The Research Foundation and its injury prevention program, ThinkFirst of Greater Kansas City, is hosting RoadWise from 1-5 p.m. Friday, June 14 at Research Medical Center. Registration is free but required to attend. Parents and guardians can reserve their young driver’s spot in the class by visiting To learn more, call 816-276-4900.

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